Best Friends
She sneaks up behind you and tackles you with a hug. That's what best friends are for. They're there for you in your ups and downs. Sometimes, it might seem that the relationship between you two are on tightropes but you grab each other's hand and make it through. Best friends are more than friends they are like family. They will do anything for you. Hold your hand through the toughest fight or stand up for you. When you guys grow up, you will be together still doing the same thing that happened in your guys' childhood. When you trust fall, you can trust them with your life. You tell them everything and they tell you anything. They're the shoulder you lie on when you need comfort from someone. Any talk of brides maid or best man, you will look at her and she will look back at you. You guys may be different(or not). You guys are best friends whether you like it or not because on the day you met you chose to met them and chose to do what ever they want for them and they do the same back. You've got their back and they have got yours. I hope you love your best friends to the end and make it through everything together without giving up on each other. Thanks for reading hope you enjoy. This is dedicated to my friends at school. Love you guys.
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