Top Ten Favorite Movies

So I love watching movies... Well not that much in the movie theaters or actually at all, I hate loud noises. But anyways, my top ten favorite movies...

1. Mulan. Mulan is my all time favorite movies. She's one of my role models. Her courage, bravery, and love for her family make me adore her.

2. Hungry Games. I love this movie because I loved the book. Duh.

3. Little Mermaid. It's because she's amazing.

4. Beauty and the Beast. I love reading and Belle loves reading so...

5. Kung Fu Panda. He's so funny (Laughing emoji insert here)

6. The Princess Diaries. Because I love Anne Hathaway. <3

7. Dark Knight. It's amazing. Batman's amazing. It's awesome.

8. Harry Potter Movies. There's too many I can't choose a favorite.

9. Princess Protection. Because it's cool.

10. Frozen. Who doesn't love Frozen. Well people who hate Frozen doesn't love it.

Well I hope you enjoyed this Top Ten Post. <3 ya! BAI!!!


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