My Teeth

Something you guys probably don't know about me is that when I was like 7, broke my front teeth and now my teeth look ugly... (sad face). Well anyways here's a story....

I was bored. Okay. I was a little 7 year old that had nothing to do in the summer because I didn't know there was youtube or because it wasn't invented yet. If you don't know me, I'm energetic. I can't stay in the same place without moving or stretching. I hate when my legs lock. so I was jumping from couch to chair to chair's foot rest. After about 2 rounds, I slipped and fell on this metal part. So my teeth started bleeding and my grandma just peered around the corner and was like...
So she urgently came to my help and I rushed to the bathroom to clean myself up. It sucked. Blood was dripping everywhere, it was disgusting. My mouth had the blood taste later. I had to go to the dentist the following week and the dentist yanked out the teeth that didn't fully come out ( this is why I hate the dentist!!! ). It was horrible. But at least I'm not dead. Yay?

Lol. I hope you enjoyed my story ( that was true ). <3 ya!!! BAI!!!!


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