Top Ten Tuesday

This weekly meme was created by Broke and Bookish.
Top Ten Favorite Quotes 

I don't remember every book I have read word by word and I don't have the books in front of me so I might just paraphrase the ones I don't remember but want to quote from.

1. The Selection Series. When America says when people tell each other things, they don't tell the exact details. Those details are keep secrets until the person dies and no one will ever know them. It probably doesn't make any sense. Sorry. 

2. " I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" -Harry Potter ( I forgot which book it was from ) 

3. " I don't think you have to do something so big to be brave. And it's the little things that are harder anyways." -Since you've been gone, Morgan Matson

I don't have many favorite quotes obviously. So this is my top three... Hahaha.... Sorry. I don't have much. <3 ya!!! BAI!!!


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